Drug and alcohol screening
Convenient testing throughout Australia
and New Zealand.

The use of alcohol and recreational drugs can present a hazard in the workplace.
An effective drug and alcohol screening program improves workplace safety and the long-term health of your workplace.

Drug and Alcohol Screening Services

Our drug and alcohol screening services cover pre-employment, random, for cause, and critical incident screening. Depending on your requirements, we use instant screening, instant machine screening, and laboratory screening.

WHA offers the following drug and alcohol screening services tailored to specific requirements:

  • Urinary or oral fluid drug screening to Australian Standards AS/NZS 4308:2008 (Urine) - AS 4760 2019 (Oral Fluid).
  • Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) certified urine and oral fluid collection, screening and transport.
  • Fully compliant with NATA approved pathology screening and confirmation requirements.
  • Gas/Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS/LCMS) confirmatory testing by a NATA certified laboratory of non-negative instant results.
Benefits of Drug and Alcohol Screening

A safe and healthy workforce benefits both employers and employees. Drug and alcohol screening ensures your employees are fit to work and supports the safety of everyone in your workplace.

  • Provide a safe work environment culture
  • Meet health and safety targets
  • Minimise long-term absenteeism from illness and injury
  • Save money on workers insurance claims and insurance premiums
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