The QLD Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme (formerly Coal Board Medical) and NSW Coal Services Health Monitoring requirements aim to provide early diagnosis and intervention for respiratory diseases like pneumoconiosis and silicosis. They are an essential requirement for new and existing workers in the QLD and NSW coal mining industry.
Why do we need Coal medicals for miners?
The health and safety of miners is important. Mine dust lung diseases can have long term, severe and even fatal consequences for miners. Pneumoconioses, also known as black lung, was re-identified in 2016 affecting coal miners in NSW and QLD.
To help keep coal miners safe, provide early diagnosis and intervene early, regular medical assessments for coal miners are essential.

Who can perform a coal medical for miners?
Coal medicals for miners may include pre-employment testing and ongoing, regular health monitoring at least every 5 years. These medical assessments are regulated and must be performed by an approved medical provider.
WHA has a network of approved medical providers around Australia.
WHA's national network of over 80 WHA clinics makes it easier to get assessments where needed, in-clinic or via telehealth.
FAQ's about Coal board and mining medicals
Coal Medicals are crucial for businesses in the coal mining industry as they ensure workers are medically fit to perform their roles in a high-risk environment. These assessments help safeguard employee health, reduce the risk of workplace injuries, and enhance overall safety in operations. Additionally, Coal Medicals ensure compliance with industry regulations, such as the Queensland Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme and NSW Coal Services Health Monitoring, protecting businesses from legal and financial liabilities while promoting a culture of health and safety.
Coal Medicals are tailored to identify and monitor health risks unique to the coal mining industry, such as exposure to coal dust, noise, and physically demanding tasks. By detecting early signs of conditions like coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (black lung disease) and other occupational health issues, these assessments enable timely intervention and management. This proactive approach helps reduce long-term health impacts on workers, minimise absenteeism, and improve workforce productivity.
The Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme (CMWHS) is a mandatory framework designed to protect the health of Queensland coal mine workers by monitoring and managing industry-specific health risks. Additionally, in New South Wales, coal workers’ health is monitored under the NSW Coal Services Health Monitoring requirements. WHA ensures compliance with both frameworks by providing comprehensive medical assessments aligned with state specific regulations. These services include initial, periodic, and exit medicals, as well as chest X-rays reviewed by registered B Reader Radiologists. By adhering to these standards, WHA helps businesses meet their regulatory obligations while ensuring thorough and accurate health monitoring for coal mine workers.