August Marks Tradies National Health Month

August is a special time dedicated to the hardworking tradespeople who build and maintain the infrastructure we rely on daily. Tradies National Health Month, established by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) in 2021, aims to raise awareness about the importance of health and well-being for those in the trade and construction industries.

Whether you know a tradie, love one, or are one, this Tradies National Health Month is a call to action to invest in their health.

Understanding the Challenges Tradies Face

The statistics around tradies’ health are concerning:

  • Over 90% of tradies experienced work-related injuries in the past year.
  • 90% of these injuries were caused or worsened by their work environment.
  • 76% reported that pain significantly impacts their quality of life.
  • 42% described their pain as severe, with some suffering for months or even years.
  • 24% fear they will need to retire early due to physical stress on their bodies.

These figures highlight the pressing need for improved health support and interventions for tradies to ensure they can continue their essential work safely and healthily.

Workforce Health Assessors: A Partner in Tradie Health

Workforce Health Assessors (WHA) is dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of tradies across Australia and New Zealand. We recognise that the foundation of a thriving business is a healthy, happy team. To this end, WHA offers comprehensive workforce medical services tailored to the needs of the trade and construction industries.

Our Services

Pre-employment Medical Assessments:

Ensuring that new hires are physically and mentally fit for the demands of their roles is crucial in maintaining a safe and productive work environment, especially in physically demanding trades. Our pre-employment medical assessments are tailored to evaluate a candidate’s fitness for specific job roles, helping to reduce the risk of workplace injuries and absenteeism. These assessments include a comprehensive review of an individual’s medical history, physical examinations, and relevant tests such as hearing and vision assessments, drug and alcohol screening, and functional capacity evaluations. By identifying potential health risks before employment begins, we help businesses make informed hiring decisions, safeguarding the well-being of their workforce.

Annual Health Checks:

Regular health monitoring is essential in detecting early signs of health issues, especially for tradies who often work in challenging conditions. Our annual health checks offer a proactive approach to workplace health, providing thorough assessments that can identify potential problems before they escalate. These checks include evaluations of cardiovascular health, respiratory function, musculoskeletal condition, and more. By catching issues early, we help prevent serious health problems that could lead to long-term absence or decreased productivity, ensuring that workers remain fit and healthy year-round.

Vaccination Services:

Tradies are often exposed to environments where the risk of contracting communicable diseases is higher. Our vaccination services are designed to protect them from preventable illnesses such as the Flu and Covid-19. These services are not only vital for individual health but also play a significant role in reducing absenteeism and maintaining productivity across the workforce. By keeping workers protected, businesses can avoid the disruption caused by illness outbreaks, ensuring a healthier and more consistent workforce.

Health & Wellbeing Programs:

At WHA, we understand that true health goes beyond just the physical. Our Health & Wellbeing Programs are designed to promote holistic health, addressing both physical and mental well-being. By fostering a culture of well-being, we help businesses create a supportive work environment that values the overall health of their employees, leading to improved morale, better team cohesion, and increased productivity.

Online Health Checks:

In today’s fast-paced world, accessibility and convenience are key. Our Online Health Checks provide tradies with the flexibility to monitor their health without the need for in-person visits. These online assessments cover a range of health indicators and are easy to complete from anywhere, allowing for ongoing monitoring and early detection of potential health issues. By offering this service, we ensure that all workers, regardless of location or schedule, have access to vital health information, empowering them to take charge of their health in a convenient and timely manner.

With over 550 clinics across Australia and New Zealand, WHA offers prompt appointment availability and rapid assessment reporting turnaround times. We are committed to providing fast, easy, and effective medical services for your workforce.

Taking a Proactive Stance

This Tradies National Health Month, let’s take a proactive stance toward improving the health of tradies. Regular check-ups, annual health assessments, and the promotion of healthy lifestyle choices are crucial steps in supporting their well-being. Moreover, providing access to mental health resources can make a significant difference in their quality of life.

By investing in the health and success of your tradies through our workforce medical programs, you can help ensure they continue to perform their vital roles safely and effectively.

Make a Difference Today

Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our tradies. This Tradies National Health Month encourage regular health checks, promote safe work practices, and support early detection and prevention. By prioritising their health, we can help them lead longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

For more information on how WHA can support your workforce’s health needs, contact us today.

Let’s work together to build a healthier future for our tradies.

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