Workforce Health business leveraging off a proud humble Tasmanian beginning – plans to open 70 new facilities through-out Australia and NZ.

WHA will leverage off developed proven technology and a sound business model to open 70 new locations around Australia and NZ in the next 2 years – creating over 200 jobs through the network.

Workforce Health Assessors has been investing heavily in R&D to bring emerging technologies and all the associated benefits to the world of employee risk management services. This has now put WHA in a position to reap the rewards of this investment and for WHA clients to benefit not only from the technology and services but take advantage of a significantly upgraded network.

Workforce Health Assessors (WHA) commenced operations as a small provider of Pre-employment health assessments in Hobart early last decade and has grown to become a significant player in the Australian and New Zealand markets. WHA has always been passionate about combining cutting edge technologies with quality, affordability and efficient services. During the last decade WHA has spent more than $4,000,000 on Research and Development. Along the way WHA has partnered with some of Australia’s leading technology research institutes.

WHA enjoys some of Australia’s largest employers as clients and sees the next expansion phase as a game changer to improving services where previously not possible. WHA will target all employers small and large to consider their services as the geographic network expands during this planned development. MD Jason Unwin said the business is in a very good position to implement what we are expecting to be a real game changer for our industry in Australia and New Zealand.

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