Workplace Injury Management Employee health and safety is essential for business success. WHA’s early intervention program delivers a business advantage by helping our clients with fast, quality, comprehensive care for injuries sustained in the workplace. Early Intervention Program (EIP) Early intervention has been shown to significantly reduce the impact and duration of emerging symptoms and prevent chronic and/or secondary condition. The program’s primary goal is to promptly address any injuries and keep employees engaged with the workplace during treatment and recovery. By doing so, it aims to prevent minor injuries escalating into prolonged chronic conditions. This proactive stance is not just about the wellbeing of individual workers; it’s also about safeguarding the productivity and efficiency of the entire workplace, seeking to create an environment that fosters health and safety by prioritising the early identification and management of employee injury. The main objectives of WHA’s EIP is: Early access to high quality treatment support services Enhance ability, and support, to recover at and return to work Reduction in long-term chronic and/or secondary condition Potential to reduce compensation claims and other associated financial impacts Improve employee morale Reduce absenteeism WHA EIP provides treatment of work-related (or non-work related) injuries such as: Strains Sprains Repetitive strain injuries Other musculoskeletal conditions All the evidence shows that early intervention is the key to ensuring time lost to workplace injuries is kept to a minimum. Download Injury Management Brochure State legislation provides in depth information on the legal requirements in each state. For more information visit your state based provider: WorkSafe ACT SafeWork NSW NT WorkSafe WorkSafe Queensland SafeWork SA WorkSafe Tasmania WorkSafe Victoria WorkCover WA