Employee exit medicals mitigate workplace risk by ensuring an employee’s health has not been negatively impacted by the job they are leaving. Learn how exit medical assessments safeguard your business and benefit the long-term wellbeing of your workforce.

Employee exit medicals:

  • Reduce WorkCover Claims and Insurance Costs
  • Increase Team Morale and Loyalty
  • Support an Aging Workforce
  • Improve Corporate Image
  • Save Businesses Money Long-term

Read on for more information about the benefits listed above, what employees should know about exit medicals, as well as the assessment resources that will help guarantee a seamless process.

What is an Employee Exit Medical?

An employee exit medical assessment is arranged and paid for by the employer. Exit medicals set a baseline for employee health as the employee leaves your care. By acquiring health data as an employee leaves, you protect yourself from future insurance claims and any possible misunderstandings. At the same time, you can send your employees off with a better understanding of their current health and any potential health risks they should monitor in their future

If a health concern or injury is identified due to their work with your company, it can be treated and cared for immediately, as opposed to the employee and employer learning about it down the road when the condition could be beyond treatment.

Employee medical assessments test for general fitness, current health risks, future health risks, as well as mental functions.

Employee exit medicals may include:

  • Hearing tests
  • Vision tests
  • General fitness tests

WHA offers comprehensive employee exit medical assessments using a proprietary software program that manages the entire medical from booking to processing to delivering your results. Learn more about our employment medical services available at our facilities across Australia and New Zealand, or on-site for your convenience.

The Benefits of Employee Exit Medicals
Reduce WorkCover Claims and Insurance Costs

Employee exit medicals prevent and reduce WorkCover claims and insurance costs. By proving that your employees are leaving in a healthy state, you mitigate any future risk of a former employee slapping your business with a pricey insurance claim that blames their poor health on your company after leaving your business. If your employees also undergo pre-employment and ongoing medicals as well as an exit medical, you have a clear record of the employee’s health over time—one that establishes that your company has done everything possible to monitor and aid an employee’s health.

⬇️ More on pre-employment medicals and ongoing employee health checks below.

Increase Team Morale and Loyalty

Conducting exit medicals lets your employees know that their health is important to you whether or not they are staying with your company. When your employees feel they are valued, it increases the morale of your entire team. Do you want to work for someone who doesn’t appreciate you or show concern for your wellbeing? Neither do your employees.

Support an Aging Workforce

Older employees have a higher risk of illness and injury.

Australia’s workforce is aging. The Australian Government claims up to 15% of Australians are aged 65 and older, and 13% of working Australians are over the age of 65.

As your employees retire, exit medical assessments will identify any health concerns that have developed due to the work they completed for your company. They will also help identify and address health conditions due to aging such as adult onset diabetes, lung disease, cataracts, osteoporosis, and dementia. An exit medical illustrates that your business cares about your aging workforce, setting them up for a happy, healthy retirement after years of hard work.

Improve Corporate Image

Exit medicals not only show your employees you care, they demonstrate your compassion to the public as well as to prospective employees who might be looking at your business as their future. They differentiate your company from money hungry corporations and show that you have a vested interest in your workforce and community. People want to support a business that supports their team. Performing exit medicals shows your community and the world that you value the health and wellbeing of your workers.

Save Money Long-term

Exit medicals also benefit your company’s bottom-line. An insurance or WorkCover claim can severely impact the financial health of your business. According to Safe Work Australia, worker-related injury and illness cost the Australian economy $61.8 billion a year, and Australian businesses bear 5% of that cost. Safeguard your business’ future success by ensuring each employee leaves your company as healthy as they came in.

What Employees Should Know About Employment Exit Medicals

If you’re an employer, you can provide this information to your employees to ease the process of exit medicals and to calm any concerns they may have.

Employment exit medicals are designed to ensure the future health and wellbeing of employees after leaving a company. They are performed to make sure an employee is exiting your business as healthy as they entered, ensuring that there are no unfortunate surprises for either of you down the line.

Employees may feel understandably intimidated by the assessment. After all, no one looks forward to a doctor’s appointment. And in the case of employee exit medicals, soon-to-be-former employees might start to worry that their chance of securing future employment is on the line, or that the company is only trying to cover themselves.

Keeping every step of the process transparent will help to ease any stress exit medicals may cause. Ensure each of your employees is well-informed about your assessment procedure to manage any concerns they may have.

  • What will be tested?
  • What can they expect?
  • What should they wear?
  • What else should they know?

An employee exit medical is not meant to be a negative experience. They are performed to benefit of the employee as much as the employer.

Before Employment Exit Medicals

See the full potential of an exit medical by monitoring employee health every step of the way. Pre-employment medical assessments and ongoing employee health checks will set a baseline for employee health while mitigating health risks throughout an individual’s employment.

Pre-employment Medicals

A pre-employment medical assessment evaluates the physical suitability of a prospective employee before they are hired. This preventative measure is an investment in the future health of a business, as pre-employment medicals mitigate safety risks for both prospective and current employees.

A medical assessment before employment sets a baseline of health for your employee that can be monitored over the duration of their employment. Businesses that participate in pre-employment medicals reduce long-term absenteeism, insurance claims, and workplace accidents.

💡 Learn more in The Importance of Pre-Employment Medicals and the Employer Benefits.

Ongoing Employee Health Checks

In order to maintain employee health throughout employment, you must perform regular health checks. Onsite health checks account for a range of check-ups that help identify potential risks to the health and wellbeing of your workforce.

Routine employee health checks can identify symptoms of aging, mental illness, heart disease, and other workplace injuries and illness. If any symptoms are identified, they can be addressed and managed immediately, hopefully preventing serious illness or injury from developing. Ongoing employee health checks are to the benefit of both employee and employer.

💡 Learn more in The Importance of Employee Health Checks.

Employee Medical Resources

Workforce Health Assessors offers comprehensive and detailed pre-employment medical, pre-placement, periodic medical, and exit medical assessments that can be tailored to suit your business needs. WHA carries a long-standing track record with over 200,000 health assessments performed across 18 countries.

We organise, perform, and report on all health assessments and medicals to help you maintain a healthy workforce and mitigate workplace risks. Each of our tests is carefully designed and varies depending on the industry and employee role. Learn more about our employee medical and other health assessment services.

Continue Supporting Your Workforce

Employee medicals are only one part of creating a safe and healthy workforce.

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The cost of low productivity alone makes increasing the motivation of your employees well worth the time and investment for employers. Learn How to Increase Motivation in the Workplace.

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